Empty leg

Tucano means trust and commitment ā€‹

Private Jet and Cargo Charters for a fraction of the regular price

why tucano

Significant savings

up to 50% of the cost of regular rent.


A wide range of private jets and cargo plane are available as empty legs.


Empty Legs Specialists can inform you as soon as the chosen path appears in our database.

Updated Information

The current empty flight lists are published and updated regularly on our website.


To best meet your needs

When Tucano has a one-way private jet or cargo aircraft, the plane is sometimes empty when it repositions itself to its base, or relocates to another location.

The list below shows a selection of the empty rides currently available on the market.

Click Blank Flight below to make an inquiry

or sign up for our newsletter and receive a weekly email showing all the empty flights added in the last 7 days.

Call Us: +0201009244092 +0201207912992

This list is by no means exhaustive

page pattern

if you cannot find a suitable empty flight on this page, contact one of our empty flight specialists directly and tell them your regular itineraries.

We will then contact you with an update whenever one of your routes becomes available.